Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dan Schwabel Twitter is the New MySpace

Dan Schwabel Twitter is the New MySpace Check out what Dan Schwabel, author of Me 2.0, posted on Facebook: Im not surprised.  For many months Ive been wondering about Twitter as the value its given me (that is, the responses I get on my tweets, retweets, relevant tweets, etc.) has changed.  Sad to say, but the value has decreased. The new change in interface they made, where I cant click a link to see just the tweets that have @jasonalba in them, makes it a pain to see any relevant content. Less relevant content = less reason for me to be there Harder for me to see conversations = less reason for me to be there I cant imagine Im the only one thinking this.  Im not even going to talk about the complete uselessness of trending topics (which are usually vulgar or less-than-sophomoric), and Twitters head-scratching inability to keep spam down.  For crying out loud, how come they can block some tweets/countries, but cant block the spammers?  Are you serious?  I get so much spam crap (DM as well as @replies) how can they block some stuff but let SO MUCH spam get through? It seems irresponsible. Dont get me wrong I like Twitter for some things.  I think some things theyve done are brilliant, and Facebook and LinkedIn should have done them, but overall, its become a place with significantly less value than what I had a couple of years ago, which is sad One last thing Dan is not a rookie whiner, not knowing what hes talking about.  Hes been a very active Twitter user: What do you think is Twitter going the way of the Dodo bird? Dan Schwabel Twitter is the New MySpace Check out what Dan Schwabel, author of Me 2.0, posted on Facebook: Im not surprised.  For many months Ive been wondering about Twitter as the value its given me (that is, the responses I get on my tweets, retweets, relevant tweets, etc.) has changed.  Sad to say, but the value has decreased. The new change in interface they made, where I cant click a link to see just the tweets that have @jasonalba in them, makes it a pain to see any relevant content. Less relevant content = less reason for me to be there Harder for me to see conversations = less reason for me to be there I cant imagine Im the only one thinking this.  Im not even going to talk about the complete uselessness of trending topics (which are usually vulgar or less-than-sophomoric), and Twitters head-scratching inability to keep spam down.  For crying out loud, how come they can block some tweets/countries, but cant block the spammers?  Are you serious?  I get so much spam crap (DM as well as @replies) how can they block some stuff but let SO MUCH spam get through? It seems irresponsible. Dont get me wrong I like Twitter for some things.  I think some things theyve done are brilliant, and Facebook and LinkedIn should have done them, but overall, its become a place with significantly less value than what I had a couple of years ago, which is sad One last thing Dan is not a rookie whiner, not knowing what hes talking about.  Hes been a very active Twitter user: What do you think is Twitter going the way of the Dodo bird?

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